“Collecting Medical History”- Virtual Talk by Dr. Donald Blaufox April 11, 2021, 2:00 pm

The lecture admission is free, but we welcome donations to support the Museum’s cultural and educational programming during the Covid-19 crisis. Reservations are required.
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The Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum will present a virtual talk titled, Collecting Medical History by Dr. Donald Blaufox, Professor and University Chairman Emeritus of the Department of Nuclear Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Dr. Blaufox will share his obsession with collecting antique medical objects, a passion that started with old patent medicine bottles and evolved into the acquisition of over a thousand artifacts, some of which will be on display at the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum.

This lecture will take the audience through Dr. Blaufox’s entry into the field of medical antique collecting and demonstrate some of the more interesting artifacts he acquired over the years. It will also describe his metamorphosis into a Medical Historian.

Dr. M. Donald Blaufox is the author of two hundred and ninety-two peer reviewed articles and book chapters on Nuclear Medicine, Hypertension and Medical History. In addition, he is Co-Editor Emeritus of the Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, past Chairman of the American Board of Nuclear Medicine and serves on several Editorial Boards in related fields. He has authored and edited twenty-five books and has ninety-six chapters in books, and reviews in textbooks and journals. His latest books are Blood Pressure Measurement: An Illustrated History, and An Ear to the Chest: An Illustrated History of the Evolution of the Stethoscope. His interest in medical history grew out of a major collection of antique medical instruments, books and related items. You may learn more about the Blaufox Collection by visiting the Museum of Historical Medical Artifacts’s website: http://www.mohma.org/.